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Week Two of Advertising on Google Adwords and Facebook

May 2, 2018

After a complete two weeks of advertising on Google Adwords and Facebook to promote Mobile Wiseguy Solutions, I am slowly coming to the conclusion that there is a lot more than meets the eye. Let's start with Google Adwords. Google Adwords has an amazingly detailed dashboard that is loaded with metrics such as Click Through Rate (CTR), Impressions, and Clicks. You can set negative search words to filter our search results you don't want to have your ad run for. This was the primary issue during the first week. I was receiving calls from customers looking for assistance with their T-Mobile or Sony PlayStation services. While every call is an opportunity to help, the calls were not fruitful and needed to be filtered out. After filtering out these calls though, the calls stopped in general.

Second, we have the Facebook marketing service which I must admit upfront I liked for its simplicity. The only problem was that it seemed to ask me if I wanted to create more and more campaigns. As long as you are aware that you are creating different instances when possibly you just have one idea for a single campaign. The cost of Facebook's marketing service is very affordable and you will reach people through screens you may not have otherwise had access to. If you are looking to generate likes for an article or gain exposure for a webpage this is definitely another great option.

I will continue to update you as my marketing efforts progress and inform you on what did and did not work for a local company, such as Mobile Wiseguy Solutions, trying to reach out after a fresh reset. I invite you to stay tuned to this section for another update in the near future.

Google Adwords for Generating Business Leads

April 27, 2018

Google Analytics Reporting

As a small business Mobile Wiseguy Solutions leans on several technical services to deliver our company message to the masses. One of the primary sources we have used to get our company name in front of customers for the past 5 years has been Google Ad Words. This Google service is an amazingly powerful tool for marketing and when used properly can generate immediate results for a variety of business goals.

In the month of April, we have run a new campaign with two select ads running directly on Google's search engine. Initially, it was directed at customers using a specific set of words that might be used to look up our business and those in our industry. It worked wonderfully! We had calls within the first 24 hours but were they the right customers looking for our service? The short answer is "Yes" and the longer answer is "Yes but with some fine-tuning."

The immediate learning realized was that contacting Google Adwords directly will help you get an agent to narrow the scope of your targeted audience which was tremendously helpful. At first, we received mainly calls for Apple, Sony, and T-Mobile customers looking for general technical support. T-Mobile specifically made sense because of the similarity in names. However, the others were cleared up when we narrowed the scope of our audience to location. These are just a couple of our initial learnings and we hope to continue to share with you SEO tips for generating business and new customer streams via our News section so stay tuned!

Apple vs. Windows 2018 Update

April 19, 2018

The Windows world has advanced in many ways since the days of Windows 7, Vista, and XP. The new Windows 10 puts Microsoft squarely in the middle of the ongoing fight between Mac and PC systems. At the same time, Apple has continued to update to secure the MacOS (formally OS X) and continue to integrate services across the consumer ecosystem. Which system would I recommend for the 2018 power user? BOTH! Having a MacOS system running alongside a Windows 10 Professional system can give a developer several different perspectives on software and end-user performance.

The problem though still remains to be Apple's pricing. In Apple's defense, their Operating System has boasted the most advanced security and privacy standards and continues to uphold this tradition. Their commitment isn't just one created at a freemium level, where you opt into services for future payment, but a premium paid in full up front. My only other complaint about the Apple premium solution is the length of time a third-party software provider commits to supporting their individual applications. The Quickbooks 2014 for Small Businesses, as one example, has stopped working with the introduction of MacOS in under 5 years time. This seems a bit lofty for a nearly $300.00 small business application.

Aside from these minor gripes, I recommend every power use both platforms for their daily workflow to ensure maximum capability. Enjoy either system or both together. It is a great day to be a technology consumer.